Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Sketch Show

If I was in the business of running and operating a Sketch Comedy show, most of it would be modern internet based humor.

The first sketch would be about this guy, JoJo Maclius. When he signed up for his first hotmail account in 1997, he tried to register, only to have the hotmail system tell him that address had already been registered and that maybe he would rather like one of the following addresses:


Of course, JoJo picks jojomaclius1997, because it says everything about him! Come Jan1, 1998, JoJo realizes that he's made a horrible mistake. So, he prints out his address book and manually retypes them into his "My New Email!!!" email upon registering Cue credits!

My other sketch would be exactly the same, except JoJo would be 22 years old and decide that would be more his style. Cue credits!

Jojo Mac is gonna get spambotted like wildfire once they track down this blog!

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