Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life After People follow-up

In conclusion, if Life After People was a question, the answer would be "Yes."

In ten thousand years, after corrosion brought down the bridges and buildings and whatever concrete-disease tore apart the concrete stuff, all of your favorite metropolitan areas would be grassed over and you couldn't even tell that other stuff used to be there. The oceans would be plentifully stocked with marine life. The Hoover Dam and the Great Pyramid would last for eons and Mt. Rushmore might just last forever.

During the final 45 minutes, the special finally divulged the fate of your household cats. Well, as with the dogs, if they were able to make it out of their homes, they'd be thriving eating tiny birds and field mice. And in 150 years, while dogs have resorted back to their primitive wolf ways and formed bear-killing gangs...your kitties would take up in skyscrapers, "and if you want to get really imaginative, I guess cats could follow the path of the flying squirrel and start gliding through the sky." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I began with the conclusion, so now I don't know where to go.

1 comment:

I got somethin to say said...

and the meowers shall inherit the earth...sounds right.

Also, I think that carrots would eventually develop some pretty sophisticated traits.