Tuesday, February 26, 2008

TiVo DeTermination

Hello World.

So, if you know anything about me, its probably that I love television and that TiVo is a sacred golden god that I bow to nightly. I've been TiVoing for about three years now and over that time, my love of television has only grown. If you don't know much about Tivo other than that its a hard disk VCR, one of the biggest perks is setting up a "Season Pass" for your favorite series. The TiVo will automatically record every episode of said season. First run. Repeats. You decided what it does.

I won't say how many series that I have Season Passes set up for, but I'll say that its a lot. And I can't say that all of these series are my favorites. But I watch a lot of television late at night and early in the morning and since I have the disk space to record a lot of junk, why not fill it up with as many options as possible?

So working under that philosophy, before last night, I've only had the occasion of deleting one Season Pass. Jericho. This show just tried my patience. It was a prime time soap opera trying to mask itself as this intense thoughtful government conspiracy. I didn't buy it. But I gave it ten episodes to prove me wrong. It didn't, so I deleted it. Of course, after a few months, I got bored and decided to download the rest of the season and watched them all across two or three days. Now, I've been TiVoing and watching Season Two, which is trying my patience even more and could very well be the first Season Pass that I delete twice.

But first. I'm deleting my Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season Pass. I knew the moment had come when I realized that my favorite character was played by Brian Austin Green.

Apparently, there are people who think that the Terminator story has one of the deepest seeded mythologies in the history of Hollywood. I enoyed me some T2: Judgment Day, but I've fallen asleep every time I've tried to watch the first one and I break a household object every time I try to watch this show. I could care less if John Connor saves us from the machines in twenty years.

Its just dumb. The characters are stupid. After eight hours, you'd think that someone would have to seem interesting. That's all it takes for me. If I can look forward to the screen time of just one character, I'm with you until the bitter end. But there's nothing here.

Last week was when I really started having my doubts. Brian Austin Green is from the future. He meets a guy in the future who he decides that he needs to kill. So, he jumps back to the past (our time) and kills this guy. But even after he kills the guy, he's still having "memories" of the future where he's hanging out with this guy. Paradox! Its a paradox!

If this was Lost, the writers would be wanting us to ask, "Why does this dead guy still appear in the future world?" The answer to that question would be an important piece to the overall puzzle. The Terminator writers are just hoping that we don't notice. I noticed! Paradox!!

But, what's my least favorite part of the show? The Sarah Connor narration. I tune in and out of it when it starts because I know its pointless drivel about how special her boy is. The writers want us to think its poignant, but if you catch yourself listening to it, you'll just hear something like, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. When I die, I want to be buried in the earth."

I'll starting writing about songs again soon.

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