Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hanging out with bloggers


[editor's note: sorry for all of the italics and commas in this one]

You all might not know this, but once you're deep in the Blogger Community, there's some certain lingo that you inevitably pick up. I'll delve into the lesserknowns in some other blog (once I learn them), but I'll fill you in on the most important one first. You see, when you're hanging out with your blogger friends at a drinking bar, as a point of entry into a blog-based conversation, one of you must say, "I'm digging the blog." Then that opens up the door to all sorts of stuff.

The humorous coda to this pointless entry is this: Last night at the bar, a longtime blogging friend said "I'm digging the blog" to me. Being that this was the first that I had heard of this phrase, I misheard him as saying, "I'm dating a blond." Which he is, but I knew this, so it seemed like an odd ice-breaker to me. I gave him the old Its like you don't even know me cold shoulder for the rest of the night.

Later in the night, after I had realized the trick that my ears had played on me, I tried my luck with this great one-liner to one-half of my new favorite blogging tandem. And low-and-behold, his response was, "When did you go to the Block??!?"

Okay, now you try!

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